Fire Alarm: A Welcomed Distraction
Tuesday, 7th April 2009, Faculty Built of Environment, University of New South Wales - A fire evacuation from Red Center Building confirmed most people prediction; if there is a real fire, half of the people in the building would be dead due to lack of awareness and slow response to fire alarm. That includes Tasniim Abd Rahman. Abd Rahman was believed to be Facebooking when the alarm went off. She deliberately ignored the siren by assuming the alarm must be faulty. But she became alert when a calm voice rang out : Evacuate the building.Evacuate the building.Evacuate the building. Quickly she packed her beloved Encik Toshiba and stride towards the exit door. The fire door was already closed. Students were swarming out the building via fire staircase sensibly. Overall, they took approximately 15minutes to completely evacuate the building.-As reported by Nenek Kebayan Hot-
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