if you are lost…
in a world so foreign
but yet you still strive
to find the courage
towards the world
that reels your imagination
bursting ideas so insane
then you know
you are no longer lost.
Laziness makes me procrastinate. Procrastination makes me do stuff the lazy way.
| This is how you do an express conceptual idea|
For the lazy-hearted only: How to make crappy design not too crappy?
1. Make a model according to your instinct and materials available . Just simply cut and glue.
2. Shoot variety of angles from different views. Crop them nicely and set them in sequence. This already make a board..or if you are super lazy...shoot more angles to produce 2-3 conceptual boards.
3. Using Photoshop, photo montage selected images and blend the layers using 'Multiply'. Trace the outline and wallah..you will get something like the image above. Of course, it is better to have sequence of images to show as 'idea development'. I am too lazy to upload my idea development because the file is in pdf..nyaaa..
5. After tracing any outline that you like, create space by using scale and applying your space requirements. Play around in CAD or Sketch Up or whatever software you are good at.
6. So, there you go. One assignment done! A design with a concept but without intention. So please bear in mind: during presentation you have to talk crap and bullshit your way to at least a credit. The jurors are not stupid. They will notice in an eye blink a design without intention.
Still consider to cheat and be lazy?
Yeah! All the best mate!
Owh...my concept for this compact apartment was STACK.
Because I simply stacked the model, stacked the images, stacked the plans and stacked everything.
Intention: To fill my presentation boards with graphic images as if I did lots of work.
uh uh ~ hidupku musnah... hancur... semuanya disebabkan kamu!! kerna perutmu boyot, double chin mu bergoyang2 dan hidungmu... kurang mancung. uh uh.*berlari2 ke arah matahari terbenam* hehe
The combination of whimsicality and psychedelia might cause the brain to swirl into motion sickness. But the heart realises that when it does happens;dreams will become realities. Pegang yang erat, ikat yang utuh, simpul yang nyata, sematkan mimpi,kunci dalam hati, barulah realiti.
oh oh oh!!! mmg seswai utk kite yg pemalas, cis dah tau sape yg mengasuh shn jd pemalas dr kecik, hahahaha
hehehe....adekah shen br sedar? maaf adik...kakak malas nak mengasuh adik jadi org berguna dulu muahahahhaha!
uh uh ~ hidupku musnah... hancur... semuanya disebabkan kamu!! kerna perutmu boyot, double chin mu bergoyang2 dan hidungmu... kurang mancung. uh uh.*berlari2 ke arah matahari terbenam* hehe
hey hey! perutku dh xboyot ok! skang ni dh hot!
dont play2! hidung xmancung tapi cute so xpe.hehehe.dah buat plastik surgery gak,tiada lagi double chin!
hmm....adekah shn datuk puaka juge?
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