Sinar from Lampu
Santapan rohani: Entrée’
An inspiration after a conversation with Sheikh Said Abdul Latif Karawiah
Islam is sinar
Sinar is lampu
Lampu is lampu
What is Islam?
Islam ada
Five times prayers
Fasting in Ramadhan
Zakat to cleanse materialism
The Haaj as devotion
Islam! You are Islam!
You are Islam!
But wait…
There are more to Islam
Than just sinar that lights the shadow
Islam is lampu
Radiating from inside to outside
Let us not just bask in sinar
Let us light the sinar from within
Our beating heart
Glowing with a pool of light
Surrounded with dark shadow
Islam is lampu that lights up
Even the farthest corner
This is how you install the light
Be helpful to thousand of others
Scrap away the rusty rusts
Using your skills and ability
Sweeps away the dusts
Away with jealousy and envy
Screw the light tightly
With unwavering iman
Switch on the light
Gently with good manners
Because it is the kind heart
that many fail to achieve
Because it is a helping heart
that many choose to ignore
Because it is a selfless heart
that many too busy to care
Because it takes a considerate heart
To understand
Sinar surrounds you
However, look deeper…
Is the lampu in your heart?
Note: A man was on his way to the mosque when he heard a plea for help. He ignored the plea by justifying going to the mosque is more important. However, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said to him that helping a person in need is much better for you than going to the mosque. This shows how important it is for us to help and be considerate to others. (I am not saying that going to the mosque is insignificant…please don’t get me wrong ^_^ )
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