A Multidisciplinary Matter
For the last 2 weeks, my summer had been very, very hectic and tedious due to the summer workshop that I HAVE to enroll. It was a multidisciplinary course where three faculties joined forces to produce a design scheme for a new artist studio in Fowlers Gap near Broken Hill of New South Wales.The collaborating faculties were:
- Faculty of Built and Environment
-Faculty of Engineering
-Faculty of Fine Arts
Initially I was not very keen with this workshop because I had bad experiences with teamwork and studio-based environment. However, surprisingly, it turned out to be an enlightening experience where I had heaps of opportunities to learn skills from other disciplines.
Team 6 was my group name. A great team it was (not mentioning frictions and misunderstandings), we managed to compromised with each other and found our common ground to discuss. There were many intense arguments and pressures to deliver the best by our datelines. Nevertheless, I found it quite amusing because we are very different in term of approach towards designing.
-A pragmatic architect who always stresses over constructions instead of forms and aesthetic…a rare breed. The best thing about him is he generously gave his drawings and knowledge about 3DMAX and constructions to me…I did not even have to ask him!
-As a designer from COFA, she lives up the designer reputation by always going round and round the design through conceptual approach and aesthetics. She has the knack for editorial because she just loves flowery and wordy explanation of design. A friendly person whom I guess managed to keep our team together.
- An interior architect who understands how it is to think like a designer but somehow to make a design build-able within restricted time and limited construction knowledge (we did not have an engineer in our team), I became the medium of justification and communication between a designer and an architect.
It was fun but I am glad it was only for 2weeks! Another week of heavy workloads, my system will just shut down.
>> Justine fixing up the roof.
>> We stayed up at Main Campus to finish the model.
>> Harry erecting the roof.
>> A tired looking Justine
>> Yeay we did it!!
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