
Head in Refrigerator

Santapan rohani: Dessert
An inspiration after a converation with  Sheikh Said Abdul Latif Karawiah about wearing hijab

My hot,hot summer
Must you glare so?
Your heat is killing me
My hijab stains with sweat
Oh how I wish to unwrap
My lovely yellow hijab

My dear, dearest sheikh
Why hijab in summer?

My dear, dear child
Your hair is beautiful
To be seen only for the chosen
Your aurat is sacred
To be kept only for the chosen

Hijab my dear, a refrigerator
Preserves goodness
Even when you sin
Protects your curious self
From common lurking evil
Seals your lovely soul
From pests that make it rot
Chills your pretty head
From the melting heat of Nar

Keep your head always
In the refrigerator, my child

My cold, cold summer
Your heat stains my hijab
But it is alright
May these stains on my hijab
Be the proof for me
Later in the realm of eternity

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