
Sketch Up: the easiest modelling software on planet earth

My first model in SketchUp. I pestered Hazazi around rumah tokmak, he gave in (I knew he would ^_^) and taught me SketchUp in 1 hour. Needless to say, he IS a good sifu! Slouching in his relaxed posture, he showed me how to organise my thoughts and within minutes, I was able to grasp the concept of modelling using computer-aided program. Thank you Hazazi! U saved my life. Jenkins (my boss from JJDA) was very impressed. Who wouldn't? I finished the project a day after I started working in the company.

Yep. I was bragging right then. hehe.
Owh...and an immediate increased of salary too...heee

:: A concept proposal to Bank Rakyat in Kangar::2006::

hmm...I should share what Hazazi taught me here. But I am too sleepy already...Well, if you are interested, just give me a buzz k. I'll definitely share the tricks with you.

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