if you are lost…
in a world so foreign
but yet you still strive
to find the courage
towards the world
that reels your imagination
bursting ideas so insane
then you know
you are no longer lost.
Sketch Up: the easiest modelling software on planet earth
My first model in SketchUp. I pestered Hazazi around rumah tokmak, he gave in (I knew he would ^_^) and taught me SketchUp in 1 hour. Needless to say, he IS a good sifu! Slouching in his relaxed posture, he showed me how to organise my thoughts and within minutes, I was able to grasp the concept of modelling using computer-aided program. Thank you Hazazi! U saved my life. Jenkins (my boss from JJDA) was very impressed. Who wouldn't? I finished the project a day after I started working in the company.
Yep. I was bragging right then. hehe. Owh...and an immediate increased of salary too...heee
:: A concept proposal to Bank Rakyat in Kangar::2006::
hmm...I should share what Hazazi taught me here. But I am too sleepy already...Well, if you are interested, just give me a buzz k. I'll definitely share the tricks with you.
The combination of whimsicality and psychedelia might cause the brain to swirl into motion sickness. But the heart realises that when it does happens;dreams will become realities. Pegang yang erat, ikat yang utuh, simpul yang nyata, sematkan mimpi,kunci dalam hati, barulah realiti.
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