if you are lost…
in a world so foreign
but yet you still strive
to find the courage
towards the world
that reels your imagination
bursting ideas so insane
then you know
you are no longer lost.
Teratak Lounge at Chelsea Garden
Aha! Meet my new house! A new accommodation after living in Malaysia Hall for 2 years, had great fun but enough is enough. This townhouse is located in Bruce St in Kingsford...so I guess I am no longer lost in Randwick but Kingsford instead. I was just about to tell about detailed information regarding the house, but luckily I am too sleepy for that. So I'll just put pictures in for better visualisation ^_^
This is our small lovely garden. Those grey boxes are konon2-cool plant pots but right now they function as ashtrays and rain collector.
Our living room. The pool table does not belong to us, it belongs to Sharul. But since his new place can't accommodate the table....well...let just say I have a pool table in my house.
Yup we have PS3. I have to say watching my housemates shooting people in the face is not my idea of fun! Metal Gear's main character has weird buns...
An innovative way to keep your shoes neat. Curi milk cartons from Hall. heee..
Encik Kura-kura!!! This is our unofficial housepet. Hawa found Encik Kura-kura stuck somewhere in the neighbourhood, so she brought Encik Kura-kura back home. Encik Kura-kura was in a very traumatic state, his arm ( I assumed its gender) twisted and his eyes looked sad. This morning he managed to get into the house! I guess he is getting better already! Owh Hawa named him Hijau. hehe.
The combination of whimsicality and psychedelia might cause the brain to swirl into motion sickness. But the heart realises that when it does happens;dreams will become realities. Pegang yang erat, ikat yang utuh, simpul yang nyata, sematkan mimpi,kunci dalam hati, barulah realiti.
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