Learning To Love a Cloud
A damsel in distress's elbow in every windowsills,
a great pair of bleary eyes bores and ponders,
blinking and searching for great seven of wonders,
Oh so great God's great vast canvas...
so blue the blue,
this heart swells and swells.
However the path of wonders are so twisted,
deceived and blurred by an illusionist,
blinded hearts follows without sense of reality,
to blissful dooms the conjurer whispers,
scratch...the heart would not heed,
scratch...the heart would not stop,
scratch...the heart hardened,
scratch...the heart blackened.
The heart will not be left astray,
Oh is this not the sign of the Almighty
that the rays of sun should shine?
Oh is this not the love of the Merciful
that the mists should form?
Oh is this not the fate by the Gracious
that the cloud appears taking the rainbow away?
Funny how a cloud could takes the eyes away,
amazing how a cloud could whitens the black,
...softens a hardened heart,
...carries a fragile soul,
...blows into the heart of the elbow,
the lifeless damsel by the window.
But the elbow still props,
because the heart aches,
bleary eyes still searching for a glimpse,
a catch of a streak of cloud.
Hundreds days seems just like yesterday.
These are the lessons to love a cloud,
to heart that bleeds but determined to learn,
heed these...
a cloud seems to come and go,
a cloud forms and fades with the flow,
a cloud is never predictable but readable,
a cloud follows the wind but not the breeze,
a cloud changes every seconds every time,
a cloud varies day after day until today.
So as the heart wilted weaken by aches,
bleary eyes becomes clearer as the heart realises,
somehow a cloud is always there in the sky,
sometimes so thin the eyes straining,
a cloud shadowed by the soft sun,
a cloud that follows everywhere,
a cloud that cheers when all is well,
a cloud that rains silently in the dwell,
a cloud that protects from heavy rays,
a cloud so weird this heart swoons and swirls,
a cloud so high as the name deserves,
a cloud that loves is the cloud I searched.
To my pakcik awan,
with lots of love...
Mengejar Awan
lari2 atas bumi belum tentu sampai mati,
terbang2 ke langit belum tentu nampak komet,
pusing2 yang sama xsemestinya jadi pening,
cari2 sinar mentari tidak tentu menerangi;
pegang yang erat, ikat yang utuh,
simpul yang nyata,
sematkan mimpi,
kunci dalam hati,
barulah realiti.
Lagu van Abang Ujang: Terkenang Semasa Dulu oleh R.Azmi
Haaa...itulah bas Abang Ujang.
Abang Ujang yang berbicara pelat jawa tapi tak mengaku jawa, perasan hensem dan loyar buruk tahap kelas pertama. Kalau nak tahu, pelampung warna-warni itu ialah momento percubaan berenang merentasi sempadan laut Johor dan Singapura. Abang Ujang kata pelampung sangkut kat leher, apabila nak lemas, tiup la pelampung tu. Walaupun kesahihan cerita itu diragui, pelampung itu tetap menjadi trademark bas Abang Ujang buat sekian lamanya.
Maka, apa signifikasi Abang Ujang dalam kehidupan si nenek kebayan?
Hoho...kalau perlu tahu, sebelum si nenek kebayan menjadi nenek kebayan, nenek ialah si budak yang pendiam, malu2 meow dan sangat pemalu. Ketika dia naik darjah 4, Abang Ujang suruh dia duduk kat depan, kat passenger seat, fuiyooo...cuak sebab masa tu budak2 besar (perempuan aje) yang dapat duduk depan. Jadi, daripada saat itu bermulalah proses latihan loyar buruk Abang Ujang.
Proses latihan Abang Ujang nih ada banyak elemen. si nenek yang ketika itu si comel yang naif diajar untuk menjawab soalan2 teka-teki yang pastinya jawapannya sangatlah...bukan budusss tapi di luar jangkaan. * batuk..batuk...* Abang Ujang juga suka tanya soalan dan tak puas hati kalau jawapan yang diberikan biasa2 saja. Jawapan kepada soalan asas seperti 'apabila besar nak jadi apa?' perlu dijawab dengan huraian panjang lebar, ada unsur lawak budusss dan paling mantap kalau disertakan unsur sinis untuk mengenakan si penanya soalan kembali.
Kata Abang Ujang:
" Tasniim, ko belajar susah2, tinggi2 tapi kalau soalan senang pun ko tak boleh jawab macam mana ko nak berjaya? Lawyer berjaya bukan sebab dia pergi universiti, lawyer berjaya sebab dia loyar buruk! Tasniim kena pandai loyar buruk. Biar Abang Ujang ajar Tasniim..haaa..."
Maka, setelah 3 tahun di bawah latihan tubi setiap hari Abang Ujang semasa balik sekolah, pegi-balik sekolah agama dan sewaktu tunggu murid-murid second trip, si nenek makin berani tahap semua hujah Abang Ujang boleh dipersoalkan kenapa, bagaimana, betul ke, siapa dan lain2. Asal borak dengan Abang Ujang mesti macam bergaduh...dan selalunye si nenek la yang kalah tahap bengang, sakit hati nak nangis dan tahap maksima mahu saja belasah Abang Ujang dengan beg sekolah! Antara perkara best pasal ialah Abang Ujang tak kisah dipow tapi kena berjaya ayat dia untuk keluarkan duit seringgit untuk beli aiskrim daripada apek bawa motorsikal. Susah wooo...
Tapi sayang, apabila naik sekolah menengah Abang Ujang dipinggirkan. Bukan sebab sombong cuma masa tu, poyo2 rasa kurang manis berbicara dengan Abang Ujang secara mesra terlampau. Dah kata bukan budak2 lagi. Masa tu bajet2 matang dan dewasa aaa...kena jaga diri dan perlakuan lalaladotdotdot.
Asal tetiba teringat Abang Ujang?
Sang Dollah telah upload lagu 'Terkenang Semasa Dulu' oleh R.Azmi. Lagu ini ialah antara lagu berhantu bas Abang Ujang. Bayangkan 6 tahun dengar lagu yang sama berulang2 memang tahap hafal dalam tido pon boleh nyanyi. Video versi karoeke yang diupload oleh allynaaa kat bawah ni dipilih jadi 'feature' sebab semalam Sang Dollah pasang lagu kuat2 satu rumah dengar berulang2.
Masyuk...nostalgia betul.
p/s: Belum lagi mencapai tahap loyar buruk Abang Ujang ;)
Usaha memahami Malaysia dan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu
Uisshh, marah pakcik tua itu!
Katanya, ketuanan Melayu penting untuk menjaga kesejahteraan Malaysia itu sendiri. Sebenarnya, dalam akta ( lupe akta ape..) bukan sebut Melayu sahaja malah bumiputera, orang asli, puak2 yang dekat Sarawak dan Sabah dan kaum2 lain sebagai rakyat2 yang berhak mendapat hak keistimewaan. Kita asyik fikir Melayu lupa pula kat orang asli dan bumiputera yang lain. Bak soalan encik Whung di blog Stay True till the End, apakah yang telah dilakukan oleh melayu Tanah Malaya untuk membela bumiputera di Sabah dan Sarawak? Selfish dan sempit betul kita kalau asyik cakap pasal melayu je. Perasan best!
Artikel ini bukannya untuk memberi informasi atau hujah2 untuk menegakkan benang yang basah sebab saya sendiri baru nak explore2 mencari makna disebalik semua laungan ahli2 politik yang serabut kepala saya cuba faham apa yang nak disampaikan. Tujuan artikel ini dipostkan di sini hanyalah semata2 untuk berkongsi pemikiran confuse majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang tak ambil tahu pasal sejarah Malaysia tapi nak buat2 macam pakar dalam isu-isu negara padahal kebanyakannya didapati dari hasil perbualan di kedai kopi dan mamak atau sekarang dah beralih ke kopitiam.
Sukar untuk saya berkongsi informasi berfungsi daripada pakcik tua itu kerana kapasiti memori saya sangatlah rendah. Tapi, marilah kita cuba memahami kenapa Malaysia menjadi Malaysia yang kita kenal ni melalui website2 berikut:
Sila usha video ini tanpa rasa bias. Dua2 pemimpin ni cuba sampaikan sesuatu mengenai ketuanan Melayu. Sama2 lah kita cuba faham...sebab saya pun masih cuba nak faham *___*
Tokmak bb

" Kenapa jarang datang? Kereta mana?"
"Niim takde keta aa tokmak...belum dapat lagi"
"Hmm..ingat nak pegi pasar ke..shopping-shopping ke.."
" Niim dapat je keta, InsyaAllah Niim akan datang selalu pastu kita gi shopping kat kedai pokok bunga ok?"
Tokmak sudah hidup lebih 8 dekad. Masih kuat dan cergas.
Tasniim baru hidup kurang 3 dekad. Sudah ada rasa malas dan bagi banyak alasan.
Macam mana nak jadi wanita bionik seperti tokmak?
Berusaha yossh!
Semasa di Pasar Seni
fuiyoo...canteknye jam ni Fa! Klasik dan design dia sangat exquisite...nim nak...tapi tak mahu la beli sendiri, nak orang bagi.
sang dollah:
ok...nim cik abang nim yang bagi lah! Hee...
sang dollah:
kak nim ade cik abang ke?
takde. Tapi kena cari aa sekarang sebab nim nak jam tuh..owh..and bracelet tuh juga! Nim tahu, nih untuk hantaran!
sang dollah:
Maknanya sebelum nih kaknim tak pernah fikir pasal nak kahwin ke?
Tak. Baru nak fikir la ni hehe. Hmm...pernah fikir nak ada Levis jeans atas dulang...
Sang dollah terpaksa dengar list hantaran dan wedding plan si nenek sepanjang perjalanan LRT ke Stesen Sentral.
Sejenak selepas Pasar Seni
sang dollah:
Naruto dah keluar...
Naruto makin bosan.Nape Naruto makin lama makin tak bes?
sang dollah:
Orang lukis komik tuh dah malas..
Agak aa...cincai betul lukisan, dah takde impak emosi dalam scene.
sang dollah:
drawings dah jadi kotak2, background dah tak detail, sayang betul Naruto dah tak macam dulu...One Piece gak yang best.
A'aa One Piece best betul! Setiap drawing berjaya tunjuk emosi dan siyes nim rasa macam nim dalam cerita tu. Hebat btul!
Kesimpulan perbualan:
Mungkin Masashi Kishimoto nih kena H1N1, maka assisstant dia yg ganti lukis.
Ada apa dengan rindu?
Rindu ialah sejenis awan yang jarang muncul di langit,
memang pelik sebab langit dah cerah
biru terbentang luas
tanpa rona putih kekelabuan...
tetiba sesat ada rindu.
Terasa seperti cacat panorama indah.
Tapi lagi sekali pandang...
macam kena pula dengan langit yang kosong itu.
Yang pastinya,
rindu itu bisa mengusik deria,
buat jiwa kacau memikirkan langit tanpa rindu
atau langit ada rindu yang lebih indah...
Thank you hidayah for introducing me to motion pictures ^__^
bleh buka blog kepada sme balik.
tiada lagi rase malu-malu shy2 meow.
new chapter is on its way.
buku baru
kaknim x sure korg bace ke x blog nih tp kalau korg xtahu jgn salahkan kata kaknim xbgtau k!
kaknim sedg melalui transition kehidupan. dh bersedia tuk tutup buku...nih bukan tahap chapter. tutup buku buka plak buku season7.
konon2 buat jd private biar senang kaknim citer, nampaknye tidak gak. hehehe.
1. kaknim nak blk mesia dah
2. kaknim nak start buat bisnes
3. kaknim nak buat edisi rombakan rumah
4. jom pegi trip kat mesia
5. ayah ialah ayah yg super maut ayah yg best...kaknim dh xde ape2 expectation dr ayah. dia dh buat lebih dr ape yg kaknim bleh imagine.
6. first time dlm hidup terasa peningkatan umur mampu impak kehidupan
7. terasa perlu set kehidupan sepantas mungkin
8. abang byk bg support kat kaknim
9. kaknim rindu tahap maut kat syat n shen
10. hehe still xleh ckp...hmm...nanti aaa bile kaknim bleh ckp kaknim ckp.
A start of a beginning
Yeay it's winter holiday but I'm stuck here in Sydney freezing my eyeballs off! So, tuk buat diri kaknim x jeles kepada rakyat2 yg balik malaysia dan juge demi tuk menjaga kesihatan mental, kaknim telah pon memprivatekan blog ini supaya kaknim bleh jadi vain n citer pasal kaknim je dlm blog nih. cis cis...Tujuan edisi winter ini sebenarnya untuk kaknim share ngn korg ape kaknim buat. nak letak kat facebook cm poyo je. nak letak kat public blog cm mencapap je...nak letak kat ym...mmg berabad aa nak tunggu korg ym. So sini aaa...
*kalau shen balik mesia, xde keje, baca komik je, tdo cm dugong, makan xingat dunia tp x buka langsung blog ni.............kaknim akan mogok panggil shen black sesame pudding depan bakal mertua shen! hey hey makcik dan pakcik sebenarnye black sesame pudding ..eh silap muhsin ni....*senyum keji seorg kakak yg keji* huhu nak balik...nak buli shen...nak tarek perut shen...agaknya kalau taktik kejut yg baru ialah tarek bulu jambang shen yg kat pipi tuh best x? cm menarek dan sengsara je...dah gian nak jadi kakak yg keji!*
Hari tuh usha gambar Yusuf dengan lama dan teliti sekali. Usha punya usha...kaknim mencapai kesimpulan yang Yusuf akan dimanja tahap ada potensi akan jadi anak saudara yg manja. Tenung mata dia...mmg kaknim tahu xkan mampu nak buat konon2 cool lagi macho. mmg akan cair habes...n duit gaji akan habes belikan dia barang. tahapnya skang nih kat sydney pon dh kene tahan diri tuk x spend beli brg yusuf! huhu umur dia nak setahun br dpt jumpe..adakah dia tahu yg dia ada seorang aunty yg hot lagi happening kat sydney? woh oh yusuf T_T
hmm...sebenarnya ada bende nak cakap kat korang tapi xpe la nanti bile dah ade justification and solid ground tuk ckp br kaknim ckp.
Aha! kaknim telah berjaya beli jeans baru akhirnye! tadi tersesat kat factory outlet, jumpe jeans Ben Sherman harga 45dollar je!! tolong...pengsan... xberniat nak beli tp sbb dh terpegang n xleh nak lepas jeans tuh, terpaksa gak beli! td ade 2 choice woh oh! satu ialah cutting yg patut beli kalau kene bayar 150dollars, but since im paying only 45...hoho kaknim telah beli jeans yg ala2 baggy skit. baggy ke? x kot...owh nama cutting dia ialah wide leg. bukan bell bottom ok. hey hey sgt bukan! dia sgt cool i telah jatuh cinta. owh my baby jeans yg comel...oleh kerana dia comel sangat maka kaknim telah amek gambar dia semata2 tuk wat syat jeles. Tapi kaknim tahu syat xkan minat style nih...dayah kot ske.

p/s: Fa...thank u bagi kamera tu. sgt berfungsi n best! walau berat n nim xreti nak main manual punye mode, men shutter je, tp tetap berfungsi. nanti nim dpt gambar cantek nim letak sini. setakat nih xde aaa...setakat tuk facebook je. hmm...tp facebook dah bosan...adekah patut join flickers plak...ok...tahu flickers dh wujud lama tp well..selagi nim x join selagi tuh la flickers nih biasa2 je kan? *flip rambut i dgn gedik sekali*
Owh syat, i bangga ngn u bulat. Pegi Istanbul lalaldotdotdot. Ibu ckp syat kene buka tudung? hmm...kekadang rasa cam kosong sbb dh lama x buat bende2 cmtu...tp i anggap art event yg i buat tuh kire tuk rakyat gak aaa..hopefully akan berjaya dengan jayanya. I pernah try nak ngajar bebudak sini at satu masjid nih. Tapi xberjaya nak pegi every week. masa study period mmg susah aa nak buat. time holidays, bebudak tuh pon cuti gak. tp sempat la kaknim ngajar bebudak tadika kat situ...cute sgt! * cute tapi nakal n ske tanye seribu soalan!hoho*
Sekian saja permulaan edisi winter.
p/s: Marli2, kalau ko log in dlm blog nih, well, aku invite ko sbb ko selalu follow secara positif blog aku. aku terpaksa buat jd private sbb aku sedar yg makin hari posting aku makin xberilmiah dan xberfungsi. makin emo, corny dan citer pasal aku je. hehe. sbb tuh aku jd malu malu meow n terasa diri ini poyo nak citer satu dunia emosi aku...so baik aku citer kat orang yg xjudge aku kan? ^____^
MHRC Secretary?
dedicated to Malaysians' hub: where our hearts are
*masa nih semangat hall sangat tinggi! corny habes ^__- *
p/s: Jumpe link nih secara kebetulan. Baru teringat dulu buat report malas nak print out, letak kat friendster. Comel betul zaman itu.
Bitter Heart
Bitter Heart by Zee Avi aka kokokaina
Sun rays come down as seen when they hit the ground,
Children spinning around till they fall down down down.
I wait for you: it's been two hours now,
You're still somewhere in town,
Your dinners getting cold.
I rest my case you are always this late,
And you know how much I hate waiting around 'round 'round,
Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside,
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin' just a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine.
And then you come and tell me the same reason as you did yesterday,
So tell me whats her name.
Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide,
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is just getting a little fragile,
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine.
The things about choices
Getting a degree is not a choice, choosing which university is.
Getting married is not a choice, deciding your spouse is.
Falling in love is not a choice, getting to know someone is.
Respect to someone is not a choice, being courteous is.
Hunger is not a choice, satisfying hunger is.
Working is not a choice, making money is.
Learning is not a choice, gaining wisdom is.
Pain is not a choice, being preservere is.
Success is not a choice, achievement is.
A happy-looking couple does not mean they are content.
A successful man does not mean he achieves what he really wants
A woman who has everything does not mean she is satisfied.
My dear ayah baby told me:
Life is imperfect. What perfect life are sabar and syukur. Whatever you have somebody else has more. If you have less somebody else have lesser. So bersyukur for what you have and sabar and redha on turbulence faced.
A piece of my mind:
A deputy prime minister, inches away from the throne of power can be, in a blink of the eyes, tossed in the lowest place of community. He stayed there alive and strong but absent in political arena. I guess everyone will have a period or phase of time where we will just float following the time but lost to the world.
Semangat and semangat! That's what we should tell ourselves everyday.
I always tell myself:
Tas hebat, hot lagi bergaya!
Tas semangat kambeng!
Tas heroine dunia!
Tas ade super power!
yosssh semangat kambeng!
(sangat terpengaruh dengan naruto...hehe)
Bila dah yakin diri, that's when you feel you can take on the world ^__^
All the best people!
Quote of the day
-Barrack Obama,www.wisdomquotes.com-
UNGU tapi bukan pasal UNGU
UNGU in Sydney.
Hmm...I think I should put an exclamation at the end of the sentence above...
UNGU in Sydney!
Yes they are in Sydney!
UNGU will perform live tomorrow at UNSW. Yeay!
But wait...are you an Indonesian? Nope?
Well, that's the catchy part. For your information, only Indonesians are allowed to attend the concert.
tsk.. tsk..
But who cares? UNGU jerr...
Anyway, Yalis, again managed to persuade me to leave my cosy room and travel in the cold winter night JUST to have a dinner with UNGU at Satay House. She has this very sly method to get me out there socialising whereas I would prefer to sit in front of my beloved laptop warmed by Hunny's heater! So, there I was sitting at a dining table admist UNGU hardcore fans shrieking when the 'most handsome' of the UNGU band (as informed by Adila) gave a short welcoming speech.
I was not sure which band was UNGU until they started playing UNGU audio playlist....aaaa....now I know...
Lucky for me, the dinner was not bad.
Satay House offered a set menu of 20AUD that includes entree, main and dessert.
I chose:
entree: Ayam Dara Bakar
Main: Beef Bacon Chilli
Dessert: Kapit Kapitam (something like that aa)
Turned out ayam dara was burung puyuh, beef bacon was daging diding and kapit kapitam was pulut hitam! Adoi...hampir meletup perut ini!
p/s:... ayam kampung kat tepi stadium Kampung Baru lagi sedap...saya mahu... T_T
p/s2: Ibu Desi sponsor half, Yalis belanja satu suku, Tas kiasu satu suku meow meow...
Gossip Hiburan Minggu Ini
rabu, 10 jun 2009
school of business faculty
ok atas permintaan encik anonymous yang setia mengikuti blog ini, maka saya akan bergossip di sini petang ini. hoho. gossip apa ye?
jap...memula kena anggap macam ini ialah email kepada cik evy, then boleh la jadi ala2 versi gossip.
wokeh! OMG u tau x i ade gossip ok!!!
u tahu x encik landak skang nih asyik men game je!! dia dh depress cm i gak tapi seb baik i dah ok sebab pakcik sifu and apot telah bg bg nasihat yang berfungsi. ingat nak berkomunkasi ngan kambeng gay tapi tak baik aa kacau kambeng gay sebab dia tak makan sayur.
cakap pasal gay, gay broccoli pun dah better skang. dia dah nampak hidup and sudah ada keberanian tuk bergaya n rambut dia cool giler skang!! i siap wat research tuk rambut broccoli n walllaah! berjaya! though dia agak sengsara ngan dandruff tapi xpe aa yang penting gaya kan?
cik lebah pula skang nih riang bergembire berstudy ngan kengkawan dia di uni. so i tinggal la sesorg kat bilik i yang mandom itu. bilik tuh best, canggih, lengkap ngn facility masalahnye i sendiri xkuar bilik dan melihat dunia maka jadi lah bilik itu depressing. bila bilik depressing, solusinya ialah berfikir. bile penat berfikir tidor la kan? aha!
so, gossip hari ini ialah, i akhirnye berjaya angkut my laptop yang cool lagi canggih itu ke uni. akhirnye! skang nih i tengah menghadap tingkap yang besar melihat dunia universiti i yang mahal nih dilalui mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang bermuka stress akibat bermulanya exam week. i pula, akibat layan emosi berminggu-minggu sedang berpadanan muka berlari pecut tuk catch up sebab i xnak fail! so, guna la cara keji maut pon asalkan dapat lepas dan grad dan balik jumpa bb ayah yang sudah semakin botak itu. huhu ayah...
owh i dah cakap ke i sayang my ayah? hehe. he's the best! ^___^
nanti i nak jumpa my lecturer, Loveday (cute kan nama dia?) sebab i yang bijak ini telah pun lost dalam dunia nyata ini. dia je lecturer yang berfungsi...so nanti nak jumpa dia borak2.
ape lagi ye? nanti kene jumpa ustaz tuk tong tuh. hopefully sume ok aaa sbb everything is progressing very well now. xleh ckp banyak kat sini sbb otai ceti mungkin baca blog nih...hehe...oopppss...
owh!! berita paling penting dalam dunia fana nih!!! huhu tau x threadless jual tshirt $5 je!! tapi xde duit tuk beli..huhu...kalau u pegi link tuh, u akan nampak my checkout item...satu untuk i, satu tuk dollah, satu tuk dayah and satu lagi tuk bizi sbb memula ingat nak share postage ngn dia...maafkan aku bizi...walau $30 aku xmampu...dalam account dah $ -16 akibat overdraft (is that the term? dollah yg ckp...dia suh byr cepat2 sbb nanti kene high percentage..ok fa nim dh bayar!)
hmmm...apa lagi..
tau x hari tu anas ngn azim beli ayam kat redlea 4kilo dalam dua beg plastik. sesampai umah dorg letak dalam peti ais. tapi keesokannya, tinggal satu beg je! maka, mana perginye satu lagi beg? i listkan my suspects mengikut susunan nih:
1. Hunny: sbb mungkin dia nak buat party BBQ kat umah Wong
2. Zek: sbb dia nak feed girlfren dia ngn 2 kilo chicken wings
3. Anas: sbb dia nak buat kenduri doa selamat kat umah hawa
4. Azim: sbb dia berlakon jadi toyol akibat xde life
5. Tasniim: sbb dia pelupa tahap Dory, xingat yang dia dah jual ayam tuh kat sunday market$$$
tapi lepas kitorg gabung sume kepala, masih xdpt solve gak misteri tuh. so, i panggil kejadian itu, misteri kepak ayam hilang *disertai dengan lagu saspen*
adoi...panjang la pulak..
ok encik anonymous, sebab tuh saya xbergossip di sini sebab cakap crap dan berbelit2 memang expertise saya. sebelum saya start topik lain, baik saya berhenti di sini. harap gossip ini mencapai kriteria dan memuaskan hati encik.
sekian gossip.
chow chin chow tapi payau~
p/s: dem~ rase best plak bercrappy crap kat sini. huhu bahaya nih!
'Did I Not Say To You' by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
“Go not there, for I am your friend; in this
mirage of annihilation I am the fountain of life?”
mirage of annihilation I am the fountain of life?”
Even though in anger you depart a hundred thousand years
from me, in the end you will come to me, for I am your goal.
from me, in the end you will come to me, for I am your goal.
Did I not say to you,
“Be not content with worldly forms, for I
am the fashioner of the tabernacle of your contentment?”
am the fashioner of the tabernacle of your contentment?”
Did I not say to you,
“I am the sea and you are a single fish;
go not to dry land, for I am your crystal sea?”
go not to dry land, for I am your crystal sea?”
Did I not say to you,
“ Go not like birds to the snare; come, for
I am the power of flight and your wings and feet?”
I am the power of flight and your wings and feet?”
Did I not say to you,
“ They will waylay you and make you
cold, for I am the fire and warmth and heat of your desire?”
cold, for I am the fire and warmth and heat of your desire?”
Did I not say to you,
“ They will implant in you ugly qualities
so that you will forget that I am the source of purity to you?”
Did I not say to you,
“Do not say from what direction the servant’s affairs come into order?”
I am the Creator without directions.
If you are the lamp of the heart, know where the road is to the house;
and if you are godlike of attribute, know that I am your Master.
p/s: I just thought the poem is just simply beautiful...
Source: Poem Hunter
For more information on Jalaluddin Rumi: A fleeting peek into the mind of a great sufi master
Source: Poem Hunter
For more information on Jalaluddin Rumi: A fleeting peek into the mind of a great sufi master
'If I weep' by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
my beloved puts cotton wool in his ears.
Every cruelty which he commits becomes him,
every cruelty which he commits I endure.
If he accounts me nonexistent,
I account his tyranny generosity.
The cure of the ache of my heart is the ache for him;
how shall I not surrender my heart to his ache?
Only then are glory and respect mine,
when his glorious love renders me contemptible.
Only then does the vine of my body become wine,
when the wine-presser stamps on me and spurns me underfoot.
I yield my soul like grapes under the trampling,
that my secret heart may make merry,
Though the grapes weep only blood,
for I am vexed with this cruelty and tyranny.
He who pounds upon me puts cotton wool in his ears saying,
“I do not press unwittingly."
If you disbelieve, you are excusable,
but I am the Abu’l Hikam [the expert] in this affair.
When you burst under the labor of my feet,
then you will render much thanks to me.”
p/s: Very true indeed...this poem really touched the core of my heart.
As requested by Marlina ( ko punya pasal aku try aa explain mende nih marly2..hehe):
'pernah rase x kalau kita berfikir....then kita akan jumpe bende baru..n bende baru tuh buat level kendiri kita meningkat...pastuh kita tgk bende atau dunia dgn perspektif yg lain maka kita amek iktibar dr situasi yg sama tp pendekatan yg lain pastuh dugaan yg kita akan tempuh lagi buat kita fikir lagi n proses tuh berulang2 selagi kita berfikir, belajar, amek iktibar dan move on to next level. tp kalau kita xberfikir, xbelajar dan amek iktibar...kita akan stuck kat level tuh sampai bebile...n hati kita akan berkarat, minda kita terbantut, jiwa kita xtenang sbb aku rase mmg Allah swt dah cipta kite tuk berkembang secara fizikal dan rohani...kalau x berkembang...tuh cm melanggar hukum alam..logik ke ape yang tas sampaikan nih? faham ke?
semua org ade masalah kan? cme lain2 je jenis dugaan dia. ibu aku ckp yg Allah swt xkan bg ujian yg xmampu kite tanggung. ujian bertujuan tuk ingtkan kite tuk kembali ingat Dia. n lain org, lain ujian nye. cm kalau kat Afrika, Palestine , negara2 cmtu aku rs dugaan dorg lebh kepada fizikal...xcukup makan, perang, hilang anggota badan, kesakitan fizikal sme tuh....kite nih pule, x dikenakan ujian cmtu...tp lebh kepada ujian emosi, ujian sosial, ujian distraction dgn keje dan kehidupan. aku rs sme org kat malaysia berlumba2 cbe mendapat kehidupan yg sempurna atau ideal. kalau kita kebelakang dan tgk dr sudut atas, kita akan nampak fokus sme org ialah duit, rumah, kereta, keluarga. pastuh berusaha pule agar anak2 pon dpt bende yg sama. adakah makin lama kite nih makin jd cm lifesyle cina atau singapore? makin individualistik aku rs...ke aku yg silap? mmg la kene ade sme2 tuh...hmm...ntahla...aku pon xjumpe lagi point yg kukuh tuk sambung point td. hehehe. so abaikan je la.' (tasniim abd rahman, from my ramblings to pakcik sifu)
Dugaan dikenakan ke atas semua orang...nangislah air mata darah pon, ujian telah pon ditentukan. Apa yang penting ialah untuk kita bangkit selepas jatuh akibat ujian yang berat itu. Sesudah itu, sedar x yang bile kite dah bangun dari jatuh tu, kita jadi lebih kuat, lebih hebat dan kita akan bersyukur kepada tuhan sebab bagi kita lalu ujian tu. Bila dah lalu, baru faham, baru boleh kenal dunia, baru boleh jadi matang dan dewasa.
Sebab tu masa memula poem tuh dia kata:
If I weep, if I come with excuses, my beloved puts cotton wool in his ears.
Dalam ayat tu: My beloved refers to God. Dia tahu apa yang sedang Dia buat sedangkan kita xtahu.
If I weep, if I come with excuses, my beloved puts cotton wool in his ears.
Dalam ayat tu: My beloved refers to God. Dia tahu apa yang sedang Dia buat sedangkan kita xtahu.
Fighting is prescribed for you, And you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, And that you love a thing which is bad for you. But God knows, And you know not. [216: Al-Baqarah]
Sudah pun diwarning yang dunia ini ialah pentas ujian kerana yang kekal hanyalah di akhirat nanti.
p/s2 : better ke Marlina?
Sudah pun diwarning yang dunia ini ialah pentas ujian kerana yang kekal hanyalah di akhirat nanti.
p/s2 : better ke Marlina?
Memory Lane: We are the children
I am sure you know this song by heart .
I still remember sitting cramped on the floor as we sang along to strings of songs during Hari Keazaman.
As I grew older,
I realised how those songs we sang actually shaped my character
I guess it is true that songs can be a powerful influential tool...
I luv CBN ^__^
Proud to be CBNer,
Tasmanian Devil
It's Michael Jackson and a disease named Vitiligo
Michael Jackson was a phenomenal entertainer. He created songs that touched the hearts of million people across the globe. I remember watching his video clips when I was still in promary school, which was years...and years...ago. At that time, everybody loves Michael Jackson.
However,at the peak of his fame, he faced problems that just not affected his carrier but his emotional and mental strength as well. I didn't know what happened to him but I have always thought that he became a confused freak when he appeared publicly as a white-skin man. There were many rumours going around during that time that have became urban myths such as:
1. Michael Jackson had to do plastic surgery because his face melted when a spotlight fell on him while shooting for a PEPSI advertisement.
2. Michael Jackson are ashamed of being a black man. So, he decided to remove his pigments to be a white man.
3. Michael Jackson wants fame and believes that being white would make him more famous.
'Michael Jackson has a skin disorder called Vitiligo. After years of fighting it and covering it up he choose the final solution, what many people with the disease do, which is a procedure called Depigmintation. This gets rid of all the remaining color on the skin so the skin all matches. The song is "Stranger in Moscow" by MJ.' (Godfearer, www.liveleak.com)
The video above shows how Vitiligo gradually infected Michael Jackson's skin.
The video above shows how Vitiligo gradually infected Michael Jackson's skin.
Hence, I would like to apologize to Mr Michael Jackson for believing all the myths above. It was very shallow to think someone who has created beautiful lyrics about the world would be so vain as to change the colur of his skin.
To make ammend, I dedicate a song by Michael Jackson entitled 'Heal the World' (video below) to whoever crosses this page and hope that song will influence that person to heal the world. I believe small efforts will create a chain of small changes which contributes to huge impact that able to change the world.
p/s:Your songs have inspired most of the 80's generation. I remember having to sing some of your songs every year during high school in Convent Bukit Nanas.
Heal the world ^__^
p/s2: Better?
adik saya kautsar
syat bulat...
kalau i ade pintu suke hati
i nak aje lempar diri i nih
lalu kasi BAAA yg super maut dasyhat
kepada 2 toi yo yong itu.
kalau i ade topi helikopter
nak je i terbang dlm winter ni ke arah u
pastuh stop depan tingkap u
semata2 tuk show off i boleh terbang
n u xboleh...nikmatnye dunia...
kalau i ade super turbo jet
mmg xlogik aaa sbb i nk parking mana
leceh je nnti kene naik cab dr airport
xstyle langsung...i better stick to doraemon
lebih drama lagi logik.
kalau i ade pen tiru cm nobita tu
nak je i cucuk ur otak suh u buat repot ni
i dah nak muntah tengok...padahal sme dh ade
cme kene buat jadi report je...tolong...
bosannye tolong....1 ayat 1 jam, xtipu.
kalau i ade laci cm nobita tuh
nak aje i pegi future yg seberapa jauh
time raya kn i kat mesia
xyah pikir pasal tiket or ayah xbg blk
masuk laci, dh smpai...mkn2 cmwhoring, balik.
kalau i ade u kat sini, lagi best kot
boleh i pusing2 ur tangan tuk release tensi
boleh i berkomunikasi ngn miss te n miss tek
boleh i kacau u sampai u sakit hati
pastuh tengok u tarik nafas tahan geram bestnyer...
i rindu u laa..
p/s: i mahu si cikutil yang besar itu jua...ayah ckp dia men basketball. i nak tgk gak...dia dah form 3 syat...pantasnya...T_T
Recycled Glass Bottle as Architectural Material

Who would have thought a monastery could be built entirely of recycled glass bottle?
A super genius masterpiece...the Thais are really creative, talented designers and superb builders.
Jom buat masjid atau surau pakai tin susu pekat nak x? Satu restoran mamak dah guna berapa tin... ^_______^
These images are from WebUrbanist.
For more info, check out this page: GreenGrader
Saya sangat setuju.
Masalah dunia seronok untuk didiskusikan.
Tahap boleh borak sambil minum mocha setengah hari.
Habis borak siap boleh ada resolusi dan pelan yang strategik.
Nikmat dunia sebenarnya berfikir mengenai masalah dunia.
Bagaimana pula dengan membuat research dan laporan mengenainya?
woh oh...
Sangat tak seronok.
Tahap berjaga malam, minum Nescafe satu jug, bersekang mata pun tiada guna.
Ini bukan borak masalah atas angin.
Masalah research perlu fakta yang konkrit, maklumat yang jitu dan penyampaian yang mudah.
Satu benda yang sukar untuk dilaksanakan oleh rakyat yang suka merepek.
Tapi tidak mengapa. Bak kata Encik Hanafi, 'pantang maut sebelum ajal' di status Facebook nya.
Fuh...terus terjaga naluri pahlawan,
bingkas celik minda yang tangkas,
darah ini deras membawa adrenalin,
semua fokus tertumpu kepada bintang
yang nun jauh perlu dicapai,
hati menyambut seruan,
diri terus tercabar mahu terus maju!
ok cun! Yosssh!!
Tido jap...nanti sambung balik...
It's all about playing ball.
Alfredo lives his life watching boys and men playing balls.
He observes these men chasing balls while occasionally scratches his.
LickHer is his best friend because LickHer always spices up dull games.
Without LickHer, Alfredo will definitely hang himself in the court.
Alfredo biggest dream is to watch girls play ball in bikinis.
Everyday he whines to LickHer, praying for bikini girls.
Bouncing balls, chasing balls, kicking balls, catching balls
shrieking estactically, jumping, laughing and giggling
talking excitedly about ball in his court.
if only his dream would come true...
Luckily other than LickHer, he has Mun.
He loves Mun running around chasing after the ball
sweating in his short little red pants.
But waiting for Mun is such a pain in the ass.
Every week he waits for Mun who is always late.
He cries for a better Mun or better yet a bikini gorgeotte.
Alfredo is slumping, sagging on his counter in boredom.
Mun cannot satisfy his eye pleasure anymore
Watching Mun is no longer exciting, he craves for more
Suddenly, a gorgeotte with a sassy ass strides towards him.
He blinks once, twice and thrice.
Somehow, somewhere, someone has heard his prayer.
Quickly Alfredo runs his hair with his gold ringed fingers.
He fixes his best charming smile and waited for his ass.
The gorgeotte propped her upper body on his counter
asking his permission to play his ball with a bunch of girlfriends
Smiling widely like a boy on Christmas Eve, he asks:
Will you wear bikini? I want to see you in bikini.
You are beatiful. You have big ass.
His charming gorgeotte smiles prettily and answers:
I will wear bikini now if you wear bikini too..with me..now.
Alfredo breaks into laughter, extended his palm and offers.
His bikini girls is finally here.
Watching georgeous ladies playing balls...his dream has come true.
Alfredo, owner of futsal court, beams to LickHer.
if only his dream would come true...
Luckily other than LickHer, he has Mun.
He loves Mun running around chasing after the ball
sweating in his short little red pants.
But waiting for Mun is such a pain in the ass.
Every week he waits for Mun who is always late.
He cries for a better Mun or better yet a bikini gorgeotte.
Alfredo is slumping, sagging on his counter in boredom.
Mun cannot satisfy his eye pleasure anymore
Watching Mun is no longer exciting, he craves for more
Suddenly, a gorgeotte with a sassy ass strides towards him.
He blinks once, twice and thrice.
Somehow, somewhere, someone has heard his prayer.
Quickly Alfredo runs his hair with his gold ringed fingers.
He fixes his best charming smile and waited for his ass.
The gorgeotte propped her upper body on his counter
asking his permission to play his ball with a bunch of girlfriends
Smiling widely like a boy on Christmas Eve, he asks:
Will you wear bikini? I want to see you in bikini.
You are beatiful. You have big ass.
His charming gorgeotte smiles prettily and answers:
I will wear bikini now if you wear bikini too..with me..now.
Alfredo breaks into laughter, extended his palm and offers.
His bikini girls is finally here.
Watching georgeous ladies playing balls...his dream has come true.
Alfredo, owner of futsal court, beams to LickHer.
What he needs is a little imaginations...
Life is good, eh my dear.
*based on true story*
Side story 1:
Ayu ( player rembat team Kermit) xpernah lalu depan Alfredo sebab takut! Bau arak Alfredo bisa buat Ayu mahu muntah on the spot. Tahapnya, bila Ayu masuk court, Alfredo punya la happy tahap keluar dari counter nak peluk Ayu. Silap aaa..Ayu lari pecut dari Alfredo. Malangnya, Alfredo sangkakan Ayu tak suka sama dia. Dia datang kat nenek (player defend Kermit) lantas bertanya dengan sedih:
Why does she runs away from me?
I was just joking. joking joking.
I already have 5 wives!
tak sempat nenek cakap ape2, dia dah pon gelak sorg2.
Side story 2:
Life is good, eh my dear.
*based on true story*
Side story 1:
Ayu ( player rembat team Kermit) xpernah lalu depan Alfredo sebab takut! Bau arak Alfredo bisa buat Ayu mahu muntah on the spot. Tahapnya, bila Ayu masuk court, Alfredo punya la happy tahap keluar dari counter nak peluk Ayu. Silap aaa..Ayu lari pecut dari Alfredo. Malangnya, Alfredo sangkakan Ayu tak suka sama dia. Dia datang kat nenek (player defend Kermit) lantas bertanya dengan sedih:
Why does she runs away from me?
I was just joking. joking joking.
I already have 5 wives!
tak sempat nenek cakap ape2, dia dah pon gelak sorg2.
Side story 2:
Tahap Alfredo sayang bikini girls punya captain, Alfredo sanggup bagi diorang main free kat court Mascot yang menjadi territori lelaki selama ini. Captain bikini bukan calang2 orang. Setakat pakcik Sepanyol yang mabuk...xde hal laa...senang aje dia pasang perangkap jerami, jampi mantera pon xpayah guna, dah pon Alfredo mabuk kepayang sama Captain bikini.
Side story 3:
Alfredo nih baik dalam mabuk.
1. Drunk.ard ( Dictionary.com)
a person who is habitually or frequently drunk.
2. Gorgeotte ( tas si nenek hot)
a super hot female
3. LickHer ( a liquor shop in Kingscross,Sydney)
Side story 3:
Alfredo nih baik dalam mabuk.
1. Drunk.ard ( Dictionary.com)
a person who is habitually or frequently drunk.
2. Gorgeotte ( tas si nenek hot)
a super hot female
3. LickHer ( a liquor shop in Kingscross,Sydney)
aka liquor ( Dictionary.com)
a distilled or spirituous beverage, as brandy or whiskey, as distinguished from a fermented beverage, as wine or beer.
p/s: Nama sebenar Mun ialah Mus...Alfredo xreti sebut Mus.
Newtown blue wall
I went to my weekly futsal training yesterday.
Captain of the captain broke out the news, NSW will only have 1 female futsal team.
I glanced at my Kermit captain.
She looked grim.
There were approximately 12 or 14 of us, only 8 will make it to play for the game.
I stared at my dirty white Raben slip-ons.
Analysed my weaknesses.
Not good.
After futsal, I caught on to a young pretty healer.
Slowly I was mesmerised by her soothing voice.
Lured by her attentive ear I followed her to Newtown.
"Come into my house"
The young healer ushered me into a cosy house.
Gingerly I stepped in...
A great green-brownish eyes bored into my soul.
There right before me, greeting like the majesty herself,
the super maut fat cat arrogantly challenged me.
masuk aa kalau berani...
Luckily the healer understood. She moved the cat away, away from me.
In I went into the recessed narrow brick envelope.
The healer introduced me to a gutsy gypsy and a hi-tech looking carpenter.
It started with a hi...
then an awkward silent
then a question
then a topic
then a conversation
then a gossip
then a series of laughter
then an agreement
then...a treasure box...
o such wonderful treasures!
my eyes was dazzled by all the brilliant colours,
a kaleidoscope experience...
a homemade cum handmade exquisite jewelleries
a cookie captured my attention.
a cookie neclace...
a cookie charm necklace...
I reached my fingers,
clasping the cookie in my hand
loving the texture and details,
captivated I was...
and the gypsy said,
If you like it, take it...take it.
I stared at her in disbelieve.
What have I done to be bestowed with such kindness?
That night I was restless.
This mind kept picturing images.
Thousands possibilities...
Cuddled in warm purple blanket on soft bed,
my healer curled on the rug coccooned against the cold night.
She insisted to sleep on the floor.
Such hospitality crumbles the tainted wall within me.
I whispered prayers to the Almighty,
please give great rewards to my healer...may every kindness she gave places her nearer to you.
Good morning blue wall?
my sleepy eyes wanders
I recall the oranges,
a tasty black peppered beef,
soft baby blue towel,
roomy super small grey pants,
cosy black All Black,
a head and shoulder,
a maroon drink,
an expired solution,
a contact lense case,
a praying mat,
songs from hot.fm,
my pretty healer learning japanese...
A therapist...his words forming in my awaken state,
" mulakan hari esok dengan penuh keceriaan dan tawaduk, HIDUP MUSTI TERUS!"
Gazing at my curled healer, her soothing blue wall, her warm purple blanket and my cookie necklace...
I smiled.

p/s: Thank u therapist, healer, gypsy, si buncit hot, indie gay, bulat, master chef and encik satan.
Update playlist
Sangat gembire!
Setakat ni belum lagi pernah download lagu sendiri.
Beratus-ratus lagu dalam folder,
semua pon dicuri,
diberi secara paksa,
dan diupdatekan oleh ahli-ahli keluarga yang celik muzik.
Akibatnya, playlist ku sangatlah random.
List lagu terbaru:
1. Juliet the Orange - Eyelash
2. zee avi - Honey bee
3. monoloque - jika aku seorang robot
4. Radiostar - Pada senyum mu
5. Komplot- Nora Zain
6. Meet Uncle Hussein - Milk in the bottle
7. zee avi - someone you used to know
8. zee avi - bitter heart
9. zee avi - kantoi
hmm...banyak gak.
ehem, sape kata Tas tak up-to-date dengan muzik?
Kautsar Abd Rahman feat Hazazi Hamzah: Dear children of Palestine
Lyrics: Kautsar Abd Rahman
Composer: Hazazi Hamzah
my dearest children of palestine,
who opens their eyes to destruction,
who lives their life fighting, struggling,
barely able to defend their body,
destroyed mercilessly.
who opens their eyes to destruction,
who lives their life fighting, struggling,
barely able to defend their body,
destroyed mercilessly.
i pray for a beautiful afterlife to await you.
may that pale, ashed face,
shine gloriously.
may that white cloth that bounds you,
be heaven’s silk that wraps.
may that blood that wets your face,
will never dry.
may your cry,
be silent prayer for justice to prevail.
may you open your eyes,
to garden of eden,
where river flow with sweetest water,
and trees bear fruits so luscious,
and air smells no longer of gas,
the wind that carries Heaven’s symphony,
the time for you to smile, insyaAllah.
-kautsar abd rahman-
I am soo proud of both my sister and cousin.
Hazazi is my sifu yang paling otai.
I can't remember how many kowtows I did to him.
I wouldn't have a clue and would be still super lost in design without him.
He is a very helpful mentor, and I know his students are lucky to have him as a lecturer in UTM. Please pray with me that he will find ease in finding funds to continue his studies in Spain.
InsyaAllah, after all the aids, advices and fun experiences you gave others in learning architecture, I am sure Allah swt will show you the way.
Saya sayang awak Hazazi!
p/s: hint: Olympiarch....that was why I went all the way to UTM ^___^ and participate in architecture workshop whereas I was an interior design student...
Kautsar aka syat is my sister yang super maut gedik. Tahapnya I become speechless when she's around me. To make it short, I am proud of her and love her sooo much.
( U busuk dapat template blog tuh cis cis)
p/s: dayah cikutil, I love you too!
Syat busuk, I know you surely tahap terharu ngan hazazi. Ala2 Muse plak tuh.
Kautsar Abd Rahman feat Mohd Lorong Haji Taib: Tribute to life
Lyrics: Kautsar Abd Rahman
Composer: Mohd Lorong Haji Taib
Simut ciktas dah sampai!

Yusuf bb dengan comelnya posing sebelum tido untuk ciktas dia.
Kamu sangat adorable yusuf bb T_T
Adekku dollah bb berkata:
"Time kaseh cik tas sbb bagi 'cocoon' yg chomel utk yusuf! yusuf suke betul! siap tido dgn nyenyaknye dlm cocoon tu malam nih."
I...i....cair lah...
URL matters
just now i attempted to change my URL.
because adekku dollah bb said:
" kaknim, URL kaknim panjang sgt. xcommercial."
So, demi adekku yg tercinta, kakak pon tukar lah URL.
it turned out to be a series of ma fan stories...
i lost my blog list.
Marlina sent me a message in facebook asking where is ur blog?
n i had to type in verification code to reply Marlina...
why marlina?
verification code in facebook O_O??
Anyway, as not to disappoint my cute- lil'-bapak-org brother,
i tried some of these names:
tasniim...someone got that one oledi...T_T
But since I am a loyal type of person, I felt this heavy guilt towards a-designer-lost-randwick.
kesian dia!
we had quality times together...n i just can't bear hurting a-designer-lost-in-randwick.
So, its officially http://a-designer-lost-in-randwick.blogspot.com/
xpercaya cbe test.
p/s: Dah malas nak tukar link kat Facebook...biar je la...
Nenek Kebayan Hot feat Mohd Lorong Haji Taib: Ghost
Lyrics: Tasniim Abd Rahman
Composer: Mohd Lorong Haji Taib
i tried so many ways to forget u
so many approaches i took
just to move on and forget
but alas
to no avail
in my prayer i realised
i have been lying to you
i deny what i feel
to make things easy
for u
so here goes my another of my approach
the truth about what i want for you
i want to love u
for Allah
i want to grow old with u
pray jemaah wt u
perform the Haaj wt u
i want to take care of you
i want to pamper u everyday
of my life
i want to see ur thinning hair
i want to sooth each wrinkles
on your forehead
i want to please u
be the one on your side
when u awake
i want to hold u tight
soothe your worries
caress your hair
shower u with kisses
till you smile
i want to listen to ur nonsense
i want to caress your hair
watch your sleepy eyes
listen to your soft snore
your chest as you go to deep slumber
i want to loosen the knot
on your shoulders
rub your neck
i want to make your day
a bliss
I want to shower u with kisses
till you smile
Loctor Mayat: Tutorial Fotografi yang sangat sengal tolong!
Ini ialah cikgu mayat.
Dia datang dari Loctor Mayat's Autopsy
Mungkin manusia, mungkin alien...
yang pastinya spesies Ultraman.
Equipment dia sangat lengkap.

Ini pula contoh pelajarannya.
Cikgu mayat sangat pelik...
adegan cinta antara 2 ultraman
yang tak pasti jantinanya
menjadi topik ulangan subjek2nya.
Geng fotografi yang sangat sengal!
Adek ku dollah bb berkata:
" kak nim kalau perlu bantuan dalam fotografi, pegila website nih. tutorial dia
lain dari yang lain."
Memang sangat lain.
very the funny.
simple terus masuk otak.
semangat kambeng
lalu terus mahu coba.
gooo sifu mayats!
p/s: sme imej-imej ini telah dicuri daripada:http://loctormayat.com/blogs/
tolong jangan saman saya...
Yaya: Photographer berjiwa rakyat
i was browsing through Facebook homepage when Yaya's profile picture caught my attention.
a bubbly person who laughs out loud and very enthusiastic
a vibrant person who wears crazy colours just like Evy
Those are my memories of yaya in Sydney...
i met her in Rantai, nervously showing her photography exhibition
cool i thought.
semangat kambeng tuh ada.
your blog really impressed me my dear
it is from your blog that i grasped the whole story
there are passion, love and care
to the world
there are depths in what you have composed
In fact, there are no need for texts...
those pictures are alive
National Geographic?
ur da bomb.
Mane pegi mood...?
Sudah hilang momentum buat keje.
duduk depan laptop
tapi kerja pegi update blog tahap cipan pulak.
TONG pon semangat dah down...
sudah xsemangat kambeng lagi.
Report...erk...ayah...nim buat report!
Seb baik Yalis captain yang garang,
pegi gak main futsal.
Kalau x sure tdo..
hmm...ke sebab x amek dose shonen jump lagi?
p/s: cure kemalasan yg terbaik, silakan: http://www.onemanga.com/
Sifu Edit Gambar
Pictures from Evylizia Jalal's friendster.
The woman who edited all these pictures used to be a Photoshop freak!
She can spend hours, playing with colours, layers and such...
Moreover, she was the one who nagged me if i edit cincai only:
' tas u jangan malas boleh x? crop elok2! '
huhu. ok sifu...
p/s: those pics are not her best work yet...tuh dia punya cincai.